Your web hosting provider will be integral to your business’s online success. Therefore, you should look for one that offers cPanel hosting, and why? Because it provides an easy-to-use interface with features that make your hosting service simple!
With this in mind, here are a few of the features that make this platform number one for Australian businesses:
Intuitive design
Top class cPanel hosting provides a user-friendly design that has long been ahead of the industry. Because of its intuitive design, you can enjoy using the platform regardless of your experience with other platforms. The main dashboard makes accessing tools and features simple and this is perfect for business owners who may not be online experts!
Simple navigation
The platform’s intuitive dashboard makes navigation simple. It contains menus labelled databases, domains, email, files and more, making it easy to locate the tools needed to manage the service. This once again makes it easy for novices with little-to-no experience with hosting platforms.
The Softaculous installer
You can install over 400 programs with one click using the platform’s Softaculous installer. The Softaculous installer provides content management systems (CMS), eCommerce solutions, forum platforms and more!
Softaculous further makes installing popular applications easy. You will have no trouble installing apps like Drupal, Magento and WordPress as you don’t have to manually download, upload and configure each app.
Email management
cPanel allows you to manage emails with ease. Email filters, forwarders and multiple account creation is simple – you just need your domain. It allows you to maintain both business and personal websites as your primary communication platform.
Spam filtering
The platform contains built-in spam filters that block messages from unsolicited senders. This will ensure your professional inbox stays clear of the stuff that doesn’t matter and only receives important mail.
Autoresponders are simple with cPanel hosting as the function allows you to automatically reply to incoming emails when you’re out-of-office or handling other important matters.
SSL certificates
Your website’s security is paramount in 2024 and beyond. Therefore, you need SSL certification to enhance your security and harness customer confidence through data encryption transferred between your site and customers using the SSL certificate.
IP blocker
Your platform IP blocker can prevent particular IP addresses from visiting your site. This can help keep out spammers and other nefarious cybercrims intent on accessing your website for their own dirty digital deeds.
Hot link protection
Another one of the platform’s essential security features is hotlink prevention. Through blocking direct links between your photos or files from other sites, you can save bandwidth and prevent your operation from unnecessary use.
Automated backups
The platform provides automated backups to ensure your site safety and security. You can schedule routine backups that take place on a daily, weekly or monthly basis and these will ensure that your data is accessible in the event of an emergency.
Manual backup
You can also configure manual backup options that will ensure your website’s data, email accounts and website files can be backed up whenever you want them to be.
Addon domains
You can also easily administer various addon domains from the one account using this awesome platform. You can host various domains pertaining to unique email accounts and websites with the Addon Domains feature.
Subdomains are perfect for organising your business website content and cPanel makes this simple. You can easily create and maintain various subdomains which will work as distinct elements of your main website!